Special offer to all with management skills  

Before you think about a position within our organization, you need to proceed our step by step registration first. Only registered members are entitled to take over a position of responsibility. See our steps below and follow them first.


We are not an organization for:

·        “Wanna Be’s”,

·        “Title hunters” or

·        “Certificate collectors”


If you feel, after register with us, you qualify to become one of our respected "DIRECTOR" in various systems or positions, you might apply for it. To be a leader, you must have management skills, as we need people to organize, to run activities and to grow by enroll officers, retired officers, active or retired military personnel or equivalent from the private Security industry as well as from the Self-Defense / Martial Arts scene (for e.g. Krav Maga, Kapap, Instructors for reality based Self-Defense).


Together with your obligatory registration forms and papers, tell us, why you think you are "SPECIAL" and how you could support and sponsor our Agency after registered with us.


We are just starting our Agency (officially in January 2025) and therefore we have almost all positions vacant. Just to give you short overview, about the positions we could offer you find here a list of these:

  • Continental Director
  • Country Director
  • Combat Tactics Director in your Country
  • Police Defensive Tactics Director in your Country
  • Violence Prevention Director for your Country
  • Head of Self Defense Xperts
  • Head of Close Combat Xperts

These are only a few positions of many more. If we get deeper into the Country/Nation, we are offering the same or similar structures regional and in the City you live in. As we are open also to Martial Artists, we offer Director positions for each style as well. You are looking for a trustworthy partner? With us and our programs you get the right reputation within your area and field you train and work in, no matter in private security industry, in governmental environment, in martial arts or as an instructor within various styles. We support you with a high profile an quality Agency reputation. By the way, we believe Martial Arts and the tactical Self-Defense and Martial Arts is a perfect couple as Martial Artists are often willing to work within the security business and any kind of Security, Police or Military need the skills Martial Arts brings. That is, why this combination belongs together.


The best for you, if you qualify for a directorship etc. and you bring every year a minimum of 5 new members inside our movement, your own membership is free. All qualifying for directorship, get the GOLD STAR MEMBERSHIP automatically and therefore the full access to our training manuals.

Registration for the leadership program

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.


HQ ALEX-International

Chiemseestr. 10

83022 Rosenheim / GER


Cell: +49 163 5555560

[email protected]

